320 Lakeshore Road East, Mississauga, ON L5G 1H4
Tel: 905-274-5370

Christina M. Blaus
Professional Corporation

If you own real estate, if you have a bank account or investments, if you have young children or a child with a disability, if you are in a second marriage, if you have a business – if any of these things apply to you throughout your life you have worked hard. You have assets, from real estate to bank accounts to investments and many of you have young children. When you pass, you want to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes and that your young children are cared for by guardians whom you have selected. If you have any assets or if you have young children, now is the time to have a Will drawn.
What is a Will?
A Will is the document that takes effect when you die. Among many other things, it tells the world who will be looking after your estate and your young children, and how your estate is to be distributed.
Why you should have a Will
- It gives you control over how you want your estate distributed
- It ensures that there are certain people that you do not want to inherit from your estate such as an ex-spouse or a family member you haven’t spoken to in years
- It helps you plan your affairs
- It avoids an intestacy (having no Will) where complications may include, among other things, difficulty in locating heirs, your estate not going to those persons you would have wanted but instead it may end up in the hands of an ex spouse or a family member who you dislike or haven’t spoken to in years
- It allows for estate and tax planning
What I Offer
I have over a decade of experience, I have prepared thousands of Wills and I offer extensive experience in the following:
- Preparing Wills
- Estate planning
- Henson Trusts
- Interpretation of Wills
- Interpretation of legislation relating to Wills
I meet with my clients personally to review their estate and obtain their instructions. I do not use Will templates, but rather, each Will is tailored to meet the client’s specific needs and requirements.